Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Boys... and hating school.... whatev

I have come to the conclusion in life that boys are completely useless. I am in college, I should probably just get over it. I am probably not gunna find my husband now, and that's fine... I do not want to. BUT... I do like boys, I like having their companionship. Maybe I shouldn't say boys... but we will stick with that I suppose. I am just sick of getting my head with and getting mixed messages. I feel like every man have met under the age of 23 is incapable of saying something straight up.

Right now, for some reason, I like a guy. One day he likes me, the next day he likes someone else. Well this is my assessment of it at least. One day he kisses my ass, and the next, he doesn't know what he wants. One day we were going to be in a long term relationship and the next he just wants to be friends. In reality he was hooking up with someone else. Then he comes back and against the advice of all my friends, and my own better judgment I decide that it would, for some reason, be a good idea to hook back up with him. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I must be crazy... that can be the only solution.

Enough about my pathetic excuse for a romantic life. I hate my school too.... there is just so much bullshit that keeps going on here. I wish my school could just pull their heads out of their asses and stop thinking about themselves so much and focus more on the students and less on stealing money for the alumni. I don't know how they can justifying raising millions of dollars AND charging 33,000 for damn school. Might add, that it's not even that good. Sometimes I feel more competent than the people who are supposedly teaching me something. Don't get me wrong, there are some fantastic teachers, and I would probably run into this situation everywhere I am just so frustrated.

I feel like I don't fit in here, so I have emerged myself in every possible activity that I can. I have the most full schedule of anyone I know, and I barely have time to think... but I need that in order to make it in this hell hole sometimes. Well tonight I actually had a night off from everything and I had FUN. Yes... it's a friggen miracle but I had fun. Went to a friends, there was tons of people there. We listened to music, talked, watched some Chris Rock, ate AMAZING indian food, and just relaxed. It was exactly what I needed and I am so glad it happened to help me pull through everything!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Ok, I am a college student. A lot of crazy stuff happens to me and I get into some pretty random obsessions. Basically I am going to blog about all of that stuff. My crazy thoughts on stuff, what I want to do with my life, stuff I have reacquired, stuff I have made, and anything else that comes to mind. At this point I think I am going to split this up into two blogs. The main blog is going to host my opinions and I will make two others, related to crafting one of my favorite things and getting free stuff my other favorite thing on this Earth.

I am all about legitimacy and I am pretty passionate about everything I do, hopefully this works out for me and I don't go too crazy here. Hopefully everyone will listen to my crazy opinions and a little debate will start. I love getting into debate, I thrive on it, and sometimes look to start it in any way possible. Well enough rambling for now, I am sure there will be a couple more of these :)